Besides the Pastoral Salary/Benefits, the Church Building Operational Costs, Methodist Conference Apportionments, and our outreach expenses, we were able to bless/support the following ministries in 2022 thanks to your financial support made to the church last year.


Pastor Jude Jean and his education/humanitarian ministry in Haiti

Rios Ministry in Mexico (church and school)

Crossroads Farm youth ministry in Harrison County

Wellspring Pregnancy Centers in Cadiz & Moundsville

Red Bird Mission School (Kentucky) and the Smallwoods

Urban Mission of Steubenville

House of the Carpenter in Wheeling

The Zimmermans - Missionaries at the Texas/Mexico border

Good News (contending for traditional beliefs in the UMC)

The Gideons (Bible distributions & personal witnesses)

American Bible Society (military Bibles & Bible translations)

The Adena Food Pantry

Voice of the Martyrs (supporting the persecuted church)

Food for the Poor (serves the Caribbean and Latin American)

Samaritan’s Purse (disaster relief, shoeboxes, crisis response)

The Harrisville Discretionary Fund

Pleasant Grove church for their Christmas toy giveaway


  • ·      Easter Egged 17 families who don’t come to church

    ·      Teacher/Staff Appreciation Lunch given at West Elementary and 25 people were served

    ·      8 new Compassion kids were sponsored

    ·      Memorial Day water bottles distributed to 140 people in Harrisville during the parade and cemetery service

    ·      10 visitors attended our Ice Cream “Sundae” Service

    ·      Bottles for Babies for Wellspring – Collected $2,694

    ·      120 attended our Back-to-School Bash & Movie Night

    ·      105 people attended our Square Dance in Adena

    ·      Held Music Hours in Cadiz, Wintersville, and Harrisville with a total attendance of 130

    ·      167 kids served candy at the Adena Trick-or-Treat Walk

    ·      Trunk-or-Treat held in the church parking lot – 80 kids

    ·      30 people attended our Veteran’s Music Show at Linda’s

    ·      Filled 130 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child

    ·      Provided a Christmas meal for the Harrisville Vol. Fire Co.

    ·      Participated in the Christmas Cantata (195 people attended)

    ·      Collected hats and gloves for children in need

    ·      Sponsored 10 children through the Christmas Giving Tree

    ·      45 people attended our Christmas Music Show at Linda’s

    ·      Christmas caroled to 20 houses in Harrisville

    ·      Sent four postcard mailings to everyone within a 3-mile radius of Harrisville and Adena (over 1,000 postcards sent each time)

    ·      Had around a dozen people watch our service live via Facebook each Sunday morning

    ·      Painted the outside of the church

    ·      And most importantly, we pray that we connected people to Christ through the events/services listed above and helped those who are already connected to Christ grow in their walk with Him.